We are with you. We. Are. Angry.
And it’s not just the last several days. For many of us, we’ve been holding on to our own stories since the day it happened.
A lot needs to change – and no one person or organization can make it all happen at once. It’s gonna take time, but if we all do what we can within our ability to do so, the world will be a better place for women and girls.
At Emerge Oregon, we’re trying to change who holds political power, who makes the final call on policies that effect our lives, at the local, state and national levels.
That matters – yet it is with humility that we acknowledge changing the face of politics is only part of the solution.
We believe that with more women in public policy and political leadership positions – AND with more women in leadership across all sectors – we will start to see the social and culture change we all want.
So let’s turn our anger into action!
Let’s make sure that 2018 is the year of the woman…and 2020…and 2022…!!
Give TODAY – 0r become a Sustaining Donor – and turn our collective anger into ACTION for change!