There is an election coming up – and voters across Oregon will start receiving their ballots in early May.
Emerge women will be on many of those ballots, so it’s that time again to highlight our alumnae running to serve their communities.
Between now and Election Day, we’ll share with you a few of the candidates each week and why they are running!
Jillian Schoene

Kristin Cornuelle, Multnomah Education Service District, Pos. 6
I am running to ensure that our students with disabilities and those experiencing trauma will be able to have an equitable and inclusive educational experience regardless of their backgrounds. I want to continue to advocate for sufficient funding for all students in MESD and our public schools, and increase support for our front-line educators, school nurses and caregivers for MESD. As an all-female school board, we are prioritizing equity and inclusion on a regional basis, and I want to continue this work with my colleagues to ensure a quality education for all students. Learn more here.
Kristin was appointed and now must run to hold her seat. She has one opponent.

Erin Zygaitis, Lane Education Service District, Pos. 1
I believe that every student should have the opportunity to flourish in school and gain the knowledge to be successful beyond the classroom. Equity for underserved students for access to resources and opportunities, support teachers professional development, and full funding for our schools is vital to creating an education system our students need and deserve.
This is Erin’s first run for office and she is running unopposed.

Lisa Fragala, Lane Community College Board, Pos. 7
As an educator for close to 25 years, I know it is important for members of our community to have access to a quality education. When I first started out on my own career path as a teacher, Lane Community College was that access point for me. I recognize how necessary LCC is as the community’s college. That’s why I’m excited to continue to serve as a member of the LCC Board of Education and work to ensure that Lane Community College continues to be a vibrant and accessible place of learning for all of Lane County. Learn more
Lisa was appointed earlier this year, and now must run to hold her seat. She has one opponent.

Courtney Helstein, Mt. Hood Community College Board, Pos. 6
Like many students today, my higher education story is one of high cost and high debt. I balanced a full course load and worked 30+ hours a week throughout college, still graduating with over $40,000 of debt. I am all too familiar with the impacts of student loans on my ability to save for my future and I have fought to change this. My advocacy resulted in policies like Oregon’s Tuition Equity and the Oregon Promise, enabling students to attend community college for as little as $50 a term. Decisions impacting students should be made by someone like me who personally understands the implications and who is committed to bringing student and faculty voices to the table. Learn more
This is Courtney’s first run for office. She has one opponent.