The front page of today’s Mail Tribune in Medford highlights the inaugural Emerge cohort of southern Oregon.
Four of them will run for office next year!
Photo/Video Credit: Jamie Lusch, Mail Tribune
“There were 11 of us. I didn’t know anybody in the room,” [Gina] DuQuenne said. “When I left, I felt like I’d gained 10 sisters. We all went in green and walked out with a lot of direction.”
“I’m proud to call myself a graduate of the Southern Oregon Emerge training. The women I met were absolutely amazing and dynamic,” [Mary] Middleton said. “Women are stepping up to the challenge of helping us to change and bring society back together. Everything is so polarized right now. Having women be part of the solution is a great thing to happen.”
“I was so impressed by the diversity of the class and the amount of knowledge and experience that was there,” [Isabella] Tibbetts said. “We were able to bring a lot of different strengths to the group.”
Read the full story by the Mail Tribune’s Vicki Aldous here.