Emerge Women Are Running!
We’ve got a lot of women running – and we’ll be highlighting them between now and when ballots get mailed at the end of April.
This email includes three of our women running for the Oregon State Senate – and all three districts are currently held by Republicans. Let’s flip SD 10, 27 and 30!
But before you read about our candidates, we want to thank the Eugene Weekly for speaking with us about how our candidates are adjusting their campaigns in response to COVID-19.
Read the article here.
“Schoene says health and safety are the most important things, but the May election isn’t far away. So she says if people can, they should reach out to candidates and find a way to volunteer digitally because “our elections do matter, leadership matters.”
Stay home, save lives everyone!
Deb Patterson for Oregon Senate District 10 (Marion & Polk counties).
Was the need for affordable, accessible healthcare for all ever clearer? Deb brings 20 years of experience in healthcare advocacy. She’ll also fight for stronger schools, affordable college and vocational programs, climate action, paid sick leave, affordable childcare, and a range of housing options with supports for those who need them.
Learn more: www.debpattersonor.org
Eileen Kiely for Oregon Senate District 27 (Deschutes County).
Eileen Kiely is a mom, a veteran, and was a successful financial executive. She has earned the endorsement of champions for education, our environment, health care, reproductive rights, and unions because she never compromises on her values. Eileen’s goal is to help break the logjam in the Senate, and get us back to work for the people of Central Oregon.
Learn more: www.kiely4or.com